Our aim is to reconnect you into your spiritual aspects to assist you in leading a more fulfilling life.
Lynne is a mother of two, and nanna to her beautiful little grandkids Sophia-Grace, Valley Faith, Miller James and Indie-Rose. She currently lives in Robina at the Gold Coast, Queensland.
Lynne worked as an Intensive Care Paramedic for various Ambulance Services in Australia for 17 years. This has given her a sound knowledge of the physical body, disease states, illness and injuries and the importance of keeping a healthy lifestyle. Lynne is currently working as Modern Mystic, Energy and Shamanic Healer, Past Life Regression Therapist and Paranormal Investigator. She also worked in a hospice caring for terminally ill patients and their families experiencing the End Of Life Journey.
Lynne uses a combination of skills when doing a psychic reading. She looks at your specific energy patterns, may connect with deceased loved ones, and always connects with her own Guides and Angels. Lynne is also a qualified Past Life Regression Therapist. Learn More
Your home and work environment can hold negative energies that will effect the health and well being of all those who enter the space. People can also be targeted by negative energies or entities. All these energies can be removed and replaced with higher vibrational frequencies. Learn More
During a Healing session Lynne will channel her Guides and beautiful Angelic Beings, connects with Reiki and EDINA Energy Medicine and may incorporate the Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Australian Bush Flower Essences, White Light Essences or Crystals. Or she will take you on a wonderful Shamanic Journey. Learn More
Hypnotherapy is a natural human state, a type of mind-body medicine and is a true gift to humanity. NLP β Neuro Linguistic Programming is an extraordinary effective means to change the way people deal with problems and find solutions. Life Coaching is helping you to attain your highest vision of yourself. Learn More
Ready to take on your own journey? Dive deep into Lynne’s online courses to discover some of her key practices.